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GenWork's Femtech solutions Impacting Women's Wellness


Genworks Femtech solutions Impacting Women's Wellness


Women's Health
GenWorks Solutions for
IVF Improving Outcomes

The Future Is
GenWork’s FemTech portfolio is transforming women's health with AI-enabled, new-aged technology
Complete  Women’s Wellness Solutions





Eva Pro

A turn-key cervical and vulvar visualization solution


Before Treatment



EVA Colposcope, the Next Gen Digital Colpo can be used as a routine screening tool before any IVF treatment to ensure a healthy cervix.

If any abnormalities or concerns are detected during the colposcopy , they can be addressed before proceeding with IVF to optimize the chances of success

May also be recommended as part of routine follow-up care after IVF treatment or in pregnancy following successful IVF. This is to monitor the health of the cervix and ensure that any pre-existing abnormalities do not pose a risk to the pregnancy.


Thermal Ablation

thermal ablation - before

Cervical Erosion Before Thermal Ablation

thermal ablation - after

After Thermal Ablation

Thermo Glide

Treating Precancerous Lesions With Thermocoagulation


thermal ablation - before

Cervical Erosion Before Thermal Ablation

thermal ablation - after

Thermal Ablation - After

It’s important to treat cervicitis and erosions before an IVF procedure as these can negatively Impact fertility and the success of IVF.

Cervicitis can cause the cervix to produce excessive mucus which can hinder the movement of sperm towards the egg.

Also, cervicitis can create an inhospitable environment for the embryo to implant and grow.

While there are multiple methods of treatment of cervicitis, thermal ablation is Considered Very useful in cases where there are visible lesions Or areas of abnormal tissues that must be removed after identifying the underlying cause.

Treating cervical erosions is recommended to minimize the potential risk of infection during embryo transfer.

Further, it is generally recommended to treat Precancerous lesions such as cervical dysplasia or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia before undergoing IVF treatment.

Treating these lesions before an IVF treatment helps reduce the risk of cancer Progression allows a healthier environment for embryo implantation.

portrait-doctor (2)

Breast Screening

Automatic Thermography Test Interpretation - Abnormal

Automatic Thermography Test Interpretation - Abnormal

Automatic Thermography Test Interpretation - Normal

Automatic Thermography Test Interpretation - Normal

Braster Pro

adopt early detection

braster pro

Automatic Thermography Test Interpretation - Abnormal

Automatic Thermography Test Interpretation - Abnormal

Automatic Thermography Test Interpretation - Normal

Automatic Thermography Test Interpretation - Normal

Role of Thermography in Breast Screening in IVF
Thermography can provide some insights into temperature patterns and blood flow in the breast tissue, which may be useful in understanding tender or swollen breasts.

Treating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) before an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure is important to address PMS symptoms such as breast tenderness and swelling which can worsen during hormonal stimulation during IVF.

In the case of tender or swollen breasts, thermography may show elevated temperatures in the affected areas, indicating increased blood flow and potential inflammation.

This information is helpful for identifying areas of concern and guide further investigation or treatment. Achieving hormonal balance before starting IVF can promote a favourable environment for embryo implantation and development.



Fibroid - 2D

Fibroid - 2D

Bicornuate - 2D

Bicornuate - 2D

Unicornuate - 2D

Unicornuate - 2D

Fibroid - 3D

Fibroid - 3D

Bicornuate-Volson 3D

Bicornuate-Volson 3D

Unicornuate - Voluson 3D

Unicornuate - Voluson 3D

Voluson SWIFT

This Changes Everything.


Fibroid - 2D

Fibroid - 2D

Bicornuate - 2D

Bicornuate - 2D

Unicornuate - 2D

Unicornuate - 2D

Fibroid - 3D

Fibroid - 3D

Bicornuate - Volson 3D

Bicornuate-Volson 3D

Unicornuate - Voluson 3D

Unicornuate - Voluson 3D

Most commonly used to see Uterus – body & cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, round ligament, broad ligament, ovarian ligament.

Help assess uterus and rule out any congenital abnormality

Helps assess ovarian reserve, and measure follicle growth during stimulation medication.

Used to monitor the response to the medication and determines the optimal timing for egg retrieval.

Used to guide the needle for follicle aspiration.Provides real-time imaging for precise egg retrieval.


Mechanical Hysteroscopic Tissue Removal System


Prevent the Preventable


Mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal (mHTR) is a procedure that involves the use of mechanical instruments to remove abnormal tissues and polyps from the uterine cavity.

This procedure can be performed as part of the diagnostic process or as a therapeutic intervention in preparation for in- vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.

The role of mHTR in IVF treatment is to optimize the uterine environment for implantation and improve the chances of successful embryo implantation and pregnancy.

By removing any abnormal tissues such as RPOC, multiple fibroids, polyps, and adhesions that are difficult and time-consuming with traditional methods. This will help to create a healthier uterine environment, ensuring better blood flow and reducing the risk of implantation failure or miscarriage.

mHTR device allows for the precise removal of tissues without damaging the surrounding healthy endometrial tissues. This technique will also help SAVE THE UTERUS & and safe procedures.




Empower surgeons to optimize minimally invasive surgeries


Is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows visual examination of the pelvic organs, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries

Is often utilized when endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, ovarian cysts, or other issues are suspected to interfere with fertility

Can remove endometriotic lesions, clear adhesions, and address other structural abnormalities, improving the chances of successful IVF outcomes

The combination of ultrasound, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, colonoscopy and breast screening allows for a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of various factors involved in infertility, enabling a more successful IVF outcome.
The combination of ultrasound, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, colonoscopy and breast screening allows for a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of various factors involved in infertility, enabling a more successful IVF outcome. In a complex IVF treatment, the sequence of these procedures may vary. For instance, a patient may undergo hysteroscopy first to address uterine issues, followed by stimulation medication monitored by ultrasound. If laparoscopy is needed, it would typically be performed prior to starting the IVF cycle, addressing any pelvic conditions that might compromise fertility.
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